Thursday, January 1, 2009

Holiday Update

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, we sure did! Lot's of quality time with family! My friend Caylen came in town from Phoenix so it was great to spend time with her, even if it was too short. We are planning on visiting them in the summer and we can't wait! And Mrs. Terry gets a shout out for the best ornament EVER! We had Christmas morning at the Calvert's and spent the afternoon at my parent's house. Two Christmases are fun! I am so thankful that we all live in Huntsville for times like these!

The day after Christmas I drove to Memphis to stay with my friend Amy for a few days. She lives in New York now, so I figured I better take advantage of her visit home if I want to see her in the next year. Why did my friends have to be all adventurous and move far away? Come on guys, you're killing me! It was so so refreshing to spend time with her, and I even got to hang out with Kurt too! So fun! But I missed Ben while I was gone, and I was excited to come home and see him. And thanks to the new ipod the road trip was really easy, and I sang all of Jill Phillips parts from the Behold the Lamb of God cd. There is a reason I don't sing for a living so it's a good thing I was alone in the car...

For New Years Eve we went to Outback for dinner with Jen, Kristin and Andrew. We waited for so long but it was worth it. I understand that their cheese fries are the worst food you could possibly buy for yourself but I still crave them just about every other day (the other days are sour patch kids. How healthy am I??) After dinner we went back to our apartment to hang out, and Doug joined us. We played The Office trivia game that I have been waiting to open until Jen could play. That was a mistake cause she won. I hate losing, but my feelings were torn. I have never been more proud of her. As her big sister I taught her about the important things in life, the main one being The Office. So congrats Jen, and I am still mad that I didn't remember Kelly's sister's names. It was good to spend time with everyone!

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