Thursday, December 11, 2008

no school for now

Update from yesterday:

Long story short-I won't be starting nursing school in Jan. So now it's time for some serious job searching. I just applied to Crestwood, and hopefully soon to Huntsville Hospital. If you hear of any doctor's offices that need a CNA let me know. Let's be honest, I just wanna wear scrubs.

So Ben and I are having a minor issue, we can't find the remote. We live in a small one bedroom apartment, there's not a whole lot of places it could be. But it's nowhere to be found! It's a mystery. This may seem insignificant to you but we don't care. It's a pretty big issue. Atleast it did not interfere with The Office tonight. Poor Andy Bernard...


Ashley Turnbull said...

Oh, I am sorry. I am sure you're disappointed, but if you are still able to get a job, that is positive. I am sure you will find something. We'll be praying for that!

And, don't tell me on the Office...we have to wait to watch it on Fridays because our Channel 48 is NOT clear at all. So, tonight we will find out what down...can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

i just need you to get a job where we can g-chat all the time. so job requirements for jess:

1) must wear scrubs
2) must have access to gmail at all times
3) must allow celementines in the workplace at all times

love, c