Friday, April 3, 2009

All alone...

Ben's out of town for the weekend. I'm really glad he is getting a chance to spend time with our friend Will, yay for guy time! Now that I think about it, "yay" and "guy time" probably don't belong in the same sentence. Whoops. They asked me to come but I figured I would sit this one out. Now where does that leave me...? On the couch. I've had a fantastic night so far. I got home from work around 5:45, picked up enough Chinese food for 3 of me, and stuffed my face while watching Best of Will Ferrell (still not tired of it!). And it's only 8:00! My Chinese food came with 2 fortune cookies. I hate the way they taste but I always open them up to read my fortune. One said "You will throw a party" and the other one said "You are young and beautiful, but wise". I like the second one better. The only party I am having tonight is with my leftover Chinese food and my rented movies. I'm debating going to the gas station to get candy but that would require me to actually get up. Ugh.

Now that I've admitted how completely lazy I am, I need to redeem myself. Tomorrow is "spring cleaning" day. I realize that a one bedroom apartment doesn't have that much space to clean but it needs to be done. Since Ben is gone I am gonna reorganize his clothes. Let's see how he likes that when he gets home, ha! Honestly I just want the house to be clean before the first Braves game of the season. I won't have much spare time between work and watching every single game.

I should probably get off the computer so I can stick with my strict schedule. I've talked myself out of the candy by now so I guess it's movie time. Be safe driving Ben!


Anonymous said...

i keep glancing at my blog feed and your title makes me depressed. if you could update so i don't always think you are lonely that would be great! :)


Anonymous said...

seriously... this has GOD to change...