Tuesday, October 28, 2008

winter vacation

We are 10 weeks away from being in my absolute favorite place in the world. I am not exaggerating, this is literally my favorite place I have ever been. Crested Butte, CO. Thanks to a generous wedding gift from very loving family members, I will be racing down the slopes in exactly 68 days. I can't wait to share this experience with Ben. I have been on a few ski trips in my life, like to Jackson Hole, WY, Crested Butte, and Copper Mountain with Young Life, but Ben has never been skiing. Part of me is just excited to watch him learn (a.k.a. fall), but really, I am excited to share my favorite thing to do with him. If you were ever my roommate in college you would know this, the trail map for Crested Butte has been on my wall for years. So yeah, this is a big deal.

We are starting to get ready for the trip already. Dad let me borrow the skiing bible: "How to Ski the Blues and Blacks (Without Getting Black and Blue)" by Craig McNeil. I've also been looking up exercises to strengthen the muscles you use to ski, because you don't know sore until you wake up the morning after your first day of skiing. So the next step is for me to actually follow through on these exercises. We will see when that happens....

I can't wait to take Ben to some of my favorite restaurants, like the Wooden Nickel and Butte 66. And of course I will be using this trip as an excuse to indulge my always present desire for more t-shirts. Also, we are going on a snowmobiling tour! I have done this before and loved it. What's not to love?? You have beautiful scenery, animal sightings, and a great meal with your group when you get to the top of the mountain! Ben may be even more excited about this part than I am.

Ben and I are not taking this for granted. We would not be going if it wasn't for the love of our VERY generous family, and there is no telling when we will be able to afford a trip like this again. So we are going to live it up. And take an enormous amount of pictures.



Anonymous said...

2) david is excited/jealous
3) it will be a great mirror image of your vaca in the summer- snow/desert!
4) can't WAIT for pics/or for y'all to go!

Ashley Turnbull said...

That is so fun, Jessica! I have been skiing, but it wouldn't be something that Adam could do - just NOT possible =). He injures himself walking to the mailbox. Sounds so fun!

Oh and thanks for your comment on the blog - it is a really special thing for us. We are thrilled!

Oh and won't be there tomorrow night (I am not normally like this). Adam and I are heading to the mountains for a weekend away!

The Burgess Family said...

I love Crested Butte. My brother lived there for several years and got married there in this great field. It was a gorgeous place for a wedding. Hope you guys have a blast skiing.