Monday, October 27, 2008

My wife is hot and Obama's not

Last week Jess created this blog as a way for our family and friends to keep up to date on the happenings of our lives. I think that is a great idea. However, I no longer work for a magazine or newspaper and have no outlet for the ideas that bounce around my head. Therefore, this blog will also be my forum for rants, raves and other random thoughts. If all you care about is what's going on with us, then bare with me because I'm sure Jess will post something informative soon. That being said...
We've been married now for almost two months. I have a great job and, like Jess said, we're having a great time getting to know one another better. Our personal lives are great. BUT... things are going on in the outside world that are so frustrating, it's not even funny. 
First,  all of my favorite sports teams are terrible. And, not only are they terrible, but the teams that I HATE are dominating. I don't understand why the Phillies and Alabama have to be good at the same time. I'm just hoping that Alabama will somehow shoot themselves in the foot like they usually do. That, or the starters will find themselves in jail.
Also, gas prices are lower than they've been in more than a year. Yeah, I know, on the surface that sounds like a good thing. Which, it would be good if OPEC hadn't met last week to cut production by a million and a half barrels a day. It's only a matter of time before prices go back to four dollars a gallon. That's why Obama (if you put a G in front of it, it spells GOBAMA... enough said) should definitely not be the president. Something needs to happen ASAP so that countries like Venezuela and Iran don't keep jacking up the price of gas. Seriously, I read the other day that we have enough natural gas to be considered the Saudi Arabia of the natural gas world. A gallon of natural gas would also only cost about a dollar fifty a gallon too. And, it's the simplest change to our current cars. Seems like a no brainer.
By the way, did you see that reporter from Orlando ask Biden about the difference between Obama and Karl Marx. He flipped out and acted like the question was completely ridiculous, almost like he was thinking, "I can't believe they found out." Did you also hear that he guaranteed Obama will face some sort of terror attack if he is elected as president. I guess it's easy to predict things like that when a terrorist helped jump start your campaign. That would be like Brett Farve telling the Lions what to expect from the Packers.
That's enough politics for now. One last thing, and then I promise I'm done. I've read talk of an actors strike. All I can say is that if 24 gets postponed one more season, I'm going to kill someone.
I could easily keep going on but I don't want to depress you. At the end of the day I have a great wife to come home to and I really couldn't ask for more (except for the Braves to be in the World Series right now.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha!! love it. miss ya'll!