Friday, April 16, 2010

All grown up

Remember this? Here is maggie at 6 weeks...

Well here she is now, all grown up. Maggie turned 6 months on Wednesday. To celebrate we spent extra time in the backyard with her that night. We figured we better acknowledge her birthdays now because soon Maggie will not be the center of attention at our house anymore. I sure hope she handles that alright...but no use worrying about that now!
Maggie loves her frisbees. She will chase after a ball if it's there but she really loves her frisbees. The moment we let her outside she will go stand by her frisbee and look at us like "Hurry up, I'm ready!"
She also loves climbing on top of the table. Putting toys and drinks on the table is no longer safe...

She can also jump really high! This is fun to do outside, but not so fun when you are trying to walk through the front door with groceries. We are working on it.
I know Maggie loves me, but she ADORES Ben. She even knows about what time he comes home from work because she will go sit and look out the front door. She will follow him throughout the house and if he makes her stay out of the room he is in she just sits outside the door until he comes out. It's so cute. Maggie is not always pleased that I get a kiss before she gets attention when he comes home from work but that's just something she will have to get used to.
Since the weather is warmer we have made the habit of going outside when Ben gets home from work. Ben plays fetch with Maggie while I get to be lazy in the hammock and look up at this...
...not a bad situation in my opinion. Happy half bday Maggie!

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