Saturday, February 13, 2010

More California Fun

I'm still in California, still working a ton, but I'm still having a good time. I hope everyone in the South is enjoying the snow, ice and freezing cold. Not to rub it in, but it was 65 and sunny today. I drove 10 miles up the interstate to Lodi where there are a ton of vineyards. They had a big festival this weekend where you could go to each vineyard and taste their different wines. You could also sample all kinds of good food. Here are a few pictures of the pictures I took. It was a really cool experience.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hahaha I don't know why I think this is funny, I've just never seen you drink wine! California has changed you! Keep the pictures coming. I like to see that you are still as good looking as I remember ;)