Today I am officially 17 weeks along. That's almost halfway!! How scary and exciting at the same time. Over the past weeks I have had a few random baby thoughts that I wanted to share. There are several people reading this who live across the country and are not here to experience this with us on a day to day basis so this is me keeping you informed. But since we all know I am not great at keeping up with blogging it would be much easier if you moved closer to Huntsville. For example, not Arizona....just a thought :)
Let the random thoughts begin:
- I was told there was a burst of energy that accompanied the 2nd trimester. Still waiting for that. School is wearing me out, especially these early morning clinicals. It's mainly the feeling of never being finished that makes me so tired. I may be finished with class or clinical for the day but there is always a stack of projects and studying to do. Yuck. So bring on the energy boost...I need you!
- VERY THANKFUL that the nausea and vomiting from the 1st trimester is over. The term morning sickness is very misleading. It's more like morning/afternoon/night sickness. One sweet, older man at the hospital said "Sweetheart, I have cancer and you look like you feel worse than I do." Granted I was horrified that I was obviously sick in front of him but he was so wonderful. He started to call me into his room because he "needed help" but really he wanted to give me a chance to sit down. I was more than happy to hang out with him and he wanted company. It was a perfect arrangement for both of us. Things like that are why I love nursing.
- Babies-R-Us is an overwhelming place. No need to elaborate on that. It just scares me.
- I can't wait to see Ben as a dad. He is going to be fantastic. And I can't wait to see our parents as grandparents. Very YOUNG grandparents of course. And our siblings as aunts and an uncle. Everyone is so excited!
- Ready for warm weather so I can stop trying to fit into my jeans. Using a rubber band as an expander is not ideal. This is exciting though! It makes the pregnancy much more real!
-I love going to the doctor appointments. Even the 5 minute ones. Hearing the heart beat gets me every time. What a beautiful process. Our next appointment is tomorrow morning!
- We have decided to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. At first I guessed a girl, and Ben is convinced it is a boy. We will find out soon! Of course we would be thrilled either way. We are prepared with a name for either one.
-I do feel more prepared to decorate if we are having a boy. Having an excuse to use a lot of blue in a room is a dream come true for me. Of course some version of these pictures will be included in the room. We have to let him know what is right from the beginning.
Let the brainwashing begin...